I was about to type that it was just another average Monday but then I got to thinking. Are any Monday's really all that average? I think most would agree with me that they are not. I guess that is why most of us don't care for Monday's much. I went into work today after having Friday and the weekend off to loads of emails. It seems that I miss 1 day and there are several issues that just happen to gain speed and raise to the surface. Then it is my duty to put out fires as soon as I set foot into the office...Ok I am done complaining about work. I started reading a book on Mother Theresa. She was such a wonderful lady and I wish more people were like her. Could you just imagine how wonderful the world would be with more people like her in it.
In other news...We have started on our website that will be up and running in the next week. I am so excited and optimistic on the sales we will generate with our company. Wouldn't it be something if this thing really took off? Keep your fingers crossed for us. :)
Good night.