
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Lazy Sundays

I love lazy Sundays. This weekend was exciting. We got our new carpet installed Saturday. Although, I was a little annoyed that the carpet guys told us they would be here at 9am and showed up around 11am, I have to say they did a fantastic job. The men were nice and took their time to do it right. Thank goodness my parents moved down here in December because we needed my dad to help us move the huge furniture. The carpet is amazing and if you ever decide on new carpet I highly recommend getting the best padding because it is worth it 110%. I now feel like I am walking on clouds. With new carpet comes new responsibilty. I am needing to find something cute for people to put their shoes on because NO ONE will be wearing shoes on my new carpet. lol I am not looking forward to the day something spills on the carpet because I might just have a melt down.
Besides that Dan and I have just been laying around day today. We are enjoying the new carpet and just watching NCAA college basketball playoff's. I have been playing farmville most of the day though. I hope everyone else had a wonderful weekend.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Is blogging supposed to be this hard?

After finding out that so many people have blogs I decided I wanted to give it a try as well. I know I have lots of opinions about things and always have views on topics that I want to share so why shouldn't I start my own blog? Easier said than done. I started by finding out where I could sign up to blog for free and found this wonderful site I am blogging on now. Secondly I had to find a cute background. Something that was MY personalitly and something that would attract readers. Suprisingly I found the background fast! The last step would be to start my first blog. So I got ready to start typing and found myself with nothing to say or at least nothing that I thought would be good enough for a blog. Days passed and I started to wonder if I even wanted to blog anymore. How can I have so many opinions and not a single topic to blog about? I went as far as researching blogging on the web to find out the proper way to blog. After looking at website after website I wasn't feeling any warmer about the idea of blogging. The websites offered suggestions about topics, how to type a blog, what content to put into a blog, what people find interesting about reading blogs and then I got my own idea. I decided that it doesn't matter if I am blogging to the standards these websites suggest or if no one reads my blogs at all. I decided that I want to write and express myself through writing. My blog will just be ME. My feelings. My thoughts. My ideals. My worries. My hopes. My fears. My stories. Life is such an amazing journey and what better way to express yourself than through writing.
Love & Hugs until next time.