
Sunday, May 16, 2010

Is it Sunday night already?

Another weekend has come and gone in a blink of an eye. What a busy couple of weeks. Long story short. My parents moved down to NWA in October. Stayed with Dan and I until December. Moved into an apt. until Mother's day in which we all helped them move. They were going to live with us until they moved back to Michigan. Through lots of ups and downs with their plans of moving back (which fell through), they are back living with Dan and I indefinitly. Yikes! lol Mean while Dan and I are trying to figure out a good place for him and I to escape on vacation. I'd like to go visit Grand Cayman again, however that is expensive. Maybe I should just go visit a travel agent to have them decide where I should be going. With the on going story of my crazy life I will write some more when I have some alone time. Take care. :)

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